Our Mission

Verdure means Health.


We are all trying to have a good life. A big part of that is to stay healthy. Without health, there isn’t much we can do to be happy.


The mission at Planet Verdure is simple – It is to enable oneself and everyone around us to live a happy, healthy life. Our motto is – “Happiness and Health for All”.


The primary aim for us is to be the best in providing quality content on Health and Wellness and to build a global support system through which people all over the world can come together to share their experiences and help each other.


We are here to help make our world a better place for all of us; to make your experience of life a happy one – one worth living for. To help you understand how to figure out to change the course of your life with simple, small, consistent steps.


We all go through this journey called “Life” with a million doubts, concerns and reservations. So why not walk with me for a bit and find out if that will help you make this journey a bit more pleasant?


You are not alone. Let’s go down this exciting new path together.


You know the quote – “He who travels fastest travels alone but he who travels furthest travels with others.”


So what do you say? Up for a long walk? 🙂

Come join us…

Welcome to the world of verdure!! We’re glad to have you with us. 🙂